I am available to carry out training courses on flora and fauna identification and habitat management. I can provide presentations, talks and guided walks for interested groups as
well as in the field training. My aim is to help people to learn
more about the natural world.
Some of the training courses that I have run include:
For The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM): Botany for Beginners, Ancient Woodland
Indicators, Winter tree ID
For Cotswolds Conservation Board - Save Our Magnificent Meadows project:
Wildflower identification, National Vegetation Classification (NVC), Rapid Assessment, grasses and sedges identification, winter tree identification, and surveying for harvest mice
For Avon Wildlife Trust:
Grassland plants; aquatic plant identification; grasses identification; fern identification; grassland management and classification; Phase 1 habitat surveying; Winter tree ID
For Avon Gorge and Downs Wildlife Project:
Winter tree identification
For Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust:
Great crested newt identification; woodland plants
For Leicestershire County Council:
Aquatic plant identification; wildlife recording; management planning; hedgerows
I have organised and led training courses on a range of other subjects including:
Amphibians and reptiles; aquatic invertebrates; butterflies; woodland management; pond management